We recently discussed on our blog how to save money on your warehouse equipment and offered tips to help you keep your equipment costs low. One money-saving idea that we didn’t discuss in that blog but that deserves a lot of attention is this:

Don’t buy warehouse equipment that you don’t need.

That might seem like an obvious statement, but take a minute to look around your warehouse. How much equipment do you have stuck in the corners that are barely ever touched? Chances are good that there is at least one piece of warehouse equipment there that you don’t ever use and probably should not have purchased. It happens to the best warehouse manager. But how do you avoid making that mistake? And what do you do when it happens?

How to Avoid Making an Unnecessary Purchase

The first thing you need to do is work with a good warehouse consultant to optimize the equipment that you already have in your warehouse. This will help you make sure you are using each piece of equipment in your warehouse, from your pallet racking to your industrial conveyor systems, in the best way possible. It will also help you identify where the real gaps are in your equipment and what you’ll need to fix them.

Secondly, don’t fall for trends but look for long-term solutions. Automation isn’t a short-term trend but is a lasting change in the warehouse environment that you’ll want to embrace. It will also provide a number of long-term solutions such as lowering labor costs, speeding up productivity, and reducing the instances of human error.

Lastly, make sure that all of your equipment is compatible. There is nothing worse than making a purchase of a new piece of equipment only to find out that it doesn’t work with your pallet shelving or will require another purchase to make it work. That’s a quick drain on your equipment budget. As much as possible, make sure that all of your equipment works together and is compatible. If it isn’t, ask yourself whether it’s worth the cost or if it’s time for a total equipment upgrade.

Want to make sure you are buying the right pieces for your warehouse? Contact the RMH Systems team today. We have the warehouse equipment that you actually need!

What to Do When You Have Unneeded Equipment

No matter how careful you are about your warehouse equipment purchases, at some point, you are going to have equipment sitting around your warehouse that you don’t need. This could be due to:

  • Equipment upgrades
  • Changes in inventory
  • Moving to a new warehouse
  • Downsizing shelving
  • A bad purchase

No matter what the reason, though, you have options. The best option with an unused piece of equipment is to sell it and attempt to recover as much of the lost fund as possible. You can sell it yourself or work with the team at RMH Systems to help you find a buyer who is looking for what you have. Selling unused equipment is a great way to offset the cost so you don’t take a big hit to your bottom line, and it can help you find the funds for the equipment that you do need.

Have questions about selling your old warehouse equipment? Need to find the right warehouse equipment for your space? Talk to the RMH Systems team today. We’ll help you find the piece gear and get rid of your old stuff. You can contact our team by giving us a call or contacting us through our website. One of our experienced warehouse consultants will help you with all of your warehouse needs!